Si vous planifiez une conférence, un séminaire ou un atelier sur les mammifères marins et si la participation d’un de nos scientifiques vous intéresse, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter par courrier électronique :
Le fondateur et directeur du BDRI, Dr. Bruno Díaz López (profil Researchgate ICI), est un scientifique avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience en tant que chercheur dans le domaine des cétacés dans le monde entier. Il a publié plus de nombreux articles scientifiques dans des revues internationales et a donné un certain nombre de conférences publiques sur la recherche et la conservation des mammifères marins. Il a été invité à faire des présentations lors de réunions, d’ateliers et de séminaires dont vous pouvez la liste ci-dessous.
• Invited speakers (Díaz López B, Methion S, Mosca O) - Conference: "Killer whales, blue whales and other cetaceans in Galicia". Foro dos Recursos Mariños e da Acuicultura das Rías Galegas – XXXII Ciclo Cultivando o Mar. O Grove, Spain, October 9th, 2020.
• Seminar about dolphins research and conservation organized by the Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi, UEA. Abu Dhabi, UEA November 2015.
• Invited speaker in the workshop organized by the Canary Island Goverment (Cabildo de Gran Canaria) about the Special Protected Areas for dolphins and the potential impact caused by the aquaculture industry. Gran Canaria, Spain, October 2014.
• Speaker in the workshop organized by the European Cetacean Society entlited: Bottlenose dolphins conservation: what we can learn from different resident populations? Lisbon, Portugal, March 2013.
• Speaker in the Latinoamerican meeting of experts on marine mammals. Conference: "Common bottlenose dolphins and aquaculture: co-existence or conflict?" Puerto Madryn, Patagonia Argentina, September 2012.
• Invited speaker in the international conference about marine mammals in Israel. Conference: "Common bottlenose dolphins and marine fin fish farms: co-existence or conflict?" IMMRAC, Tel-aviv, Israel, October 2011.
• Invited speaker - Conference: “Studying bottlenose dolphin populations in the wild ”. University Autonoma of Barcelona, Spain. March 2011.
• Invited speaker – Workshop: “Cetaceans and fisheries on Spanish coasts: interaction or conflict”. CEMACAM, Murcia. Spain, May 2011.
• Invited speaker - Conference: “Monitoring coastal bottlenose dolphin populations”. University Autonoma of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. November 2010.
• Invited speaker - Conference: “Predation and Competition: the impact of aquaculture and fisheries on bottlenose dolphins in Sardinia, Italy.” 17 ème Conférence Internationale sur les Cétacés en Méditerranée. Nice, France, January 2008.
• Invited speaker - Online conference: “Impact of aquaculture on marine mammals”. Aquacet (Peru), December 2008.
• Invited speaker - Conference: " Impact of aquaculture on marine mammals” Parque de las ciencias Granada. Granada, Spain, November 2008
• Invited speaker - Conference: “Whistles characteristics and repertoire of wild bottlenose dolphins in Sardinia Island, Italy.” 16 ème Conférence Internationale sur les Cétacés en Méditerranée, Nice, France, November 2008.
• Invited speaker - Seminar: “Cetaceans and aquaculture: problems and conflicts” 8-10 April 2008. Malaga, Almeria and Granada. Fundation Gypaetus and Ministery of Agriculture and fishery of Andalucia, Spain.
• Invited speaker - Workshop: “Cetaceans & Fisheries in Italy”, ACCOBAMS - MiPAAF. Rome, 10-11 September 2007. Italian Ministery of Agriculture and fishery, Rome, Italy.
• Invited speaker - Seminar: " Interaction between marine mammals and human activities”. 21 September 2006, Pontevedra, Spain.
• Invited speaker - Seminar: “Research on bottlenose dolphin populations in the wild” 11 – 12 December 2004. Faculty of Veterinary, University Complutense of Madrid and Balaena, Spain.
• Invited speaker - Conference: “Research on cetacean populations in the wild”, 18 – 20 August 2001. La Graña Marine Research Center, SGHN and University of Santiago, Ferrol, Spain.
• Seminar: “Marine mammals research”, 5 May 2000, Sperlonga, Italy. World Wide Fund, Italy.
• Invited speaker - Seminar: “Methods of research on cetacean population in nature” for the PhD candidates in Biology. 29 March 2000. Faculty of Biology, University of Roma Tre, Rome, Italy.
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